The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 364: Overacting Leads to Overreaction

Chapter 364: Overacting Leads to Overreaction

“You must be very confused right?” Beleth said as he saw the uncertainty in Fang Yu’s face. “Oh, and I swear with my soul that everything I told you about the time travel was right.”

An uneasy silent moment passed by, which was only broken when Fang Yu asked Beleth,

“How did you know that I was the time traveler?”

Beleth paused, as he seemed to smirk under his armor. “If you can talk to Lord Solomon, he will explain everything to you. Well, that depends if you can still live after fighting me.”

“......” With Beleth’s oath, Fang Yu was sure that he was telling the truth. But that does not still explain how she was able to do transposition with Fang Lin at the Planet Thrae earlier.


“Does that mean that the bond between my male and female body transcends even time?” Now that Fang Yu thought about it, it seemed plausible.

After all, there was no said limit about the bond between the male and female body of a Duality Godly Divine Beast, even if the two bodies were millions or billions of kilometers away from each other.

Even two bodies that far away can still fuse, unfuse, or transpose with each other no matter how far they are from each other.

If the bond can exist in extremely separate space, then maybe the bond between her male and female bodies can also exist between extremely separate time, which in Fang Yu’s case, is the Planet Thrae in the present and the Goddess Planet in the future.

“Wang Hao... he definitely knew about this!” Fang Yu thought with gritted teeth as she remembered Wang Hao’s smug expression.

With Wang Hao possessing the Space-Time Gyroscope, he surely felt that the Goddess Planet was in the future timeline.

What Fang Yu made frustrated was on why Wang Hao did not tell her about it.

“Well, I will be asking him later.....”

Fang Yu then smirked inwardly as she realized why Beleth seemed to be happy upon seeing Fang Yu in panic.

In Beleth’s eyes, Fang Yu was just a poor practitioner dragged by Solomon’s forbidden spell to the future.

If Fang Yu wants to go back to her present time, she had to go against the flow of the River of Time, which was almost impossible for anyone.

Beleth’s additional reward if Fang Yu wins is something that can help Fang Yu go back her time. Beleth must have thought that Fang Yu desperately needs this reward.

Too bad for Beleth that Fang Yu was no normal practitioner.

With the bond that existed between her male and female bodies, Fang Yu can seemingly ‘skip’ over the River of Time and switch places between the Goddess Planet and Planet Thrae!

Fang Yu thought before that the bond between her two bodies was just the simplest ability of her bloodline.

But as it turns out, it was actually the best, as this bond was able to exist separation between space and separation between time!


Fang Yu’s earlier panic was replaced with glee as she realized the benefits and rewards that she could reap!

“If one of my body stays at the present timeline and the remaining body stays here at the future timeline, won’t I be able to get more treasures, resources and abilities?”

As long as Fang Yu does it right, she can use the information from the present timeline gather resources and treasures in the future timeline and vice versa.

For example, she can use the history recorded here in the future timeline to help Fang Yu’s body in the present timeline to find treasures and resources that were supposed to be found by others.

“Hohohoho, this is exciting....”

But this revelation also gave Fang Yu a dilemma.

Since Fang Yu was in the future time, then her present time is technically the ‘past’ of this future time.

If Fang Yu’s information in the future time was used by her body in the present time, then some changes will happen in the present time that could affect the future time.

These changes could be so drastic that the future timeline could be swept away by it!

“Sigh, seems like I could not just make flamboyant actions at my whim.”

Fang Yu sighed as she decided what to do.

She will only tackle about the matters of her present and future timeline after she dealt with the problems here at the Goddess’ Planet.

Fang Yu’s brooding expression made Beleth slightly worried, as he thought that maybe Fang Yu was overwhelmed by his reveal.

“Well, anyone who were told that they are in the future will be really shocked.” Beleth thought as he grinned inwardly.

“This Fang Yu must be feeling desperate now, knowing that her only chance to get back to her present time was if she agrees with my deal. Hehehe, if always feels nice taking advantage of my enemies...”

If Beleth could only see that Fang Yu was not despairing about her time travel, and she was actually thinking of ways to ‘milk’ her situation, then Beleth will regret telling Fang Yu that she time travelled!

“Fine, I agree with your terms.” Fang Yu said, as she made her expression look dull. “Let’s just fight to get this over with.”

“At last.” Beleth breathed out as he stood up, with his armor seemingly clanking with excitement. “We are getting to the main event.”

“Fang Yu, I’m sorry...” Genie muttered as she saw Fang Yu’s ‘downcast’ expression.

Seeing the apologetic expression on Genie’s face made Fang Yu realize what Genie was apologizing for.

“Wait, so you knew that I time travelled to the future? Why did you not tell me?” Fang Yu asked, as she tried to make herself look angry.

Fang Yu was using her acting prowess right now, since Beleth must not know that Fang Yu was happy that she time travelled to the future.

If he knew about it, then her current negotiations with Beleth might fail, and Fang Yu might face more problems.

Since he thinks that Fang Yu is a poor, hapless victim, then she will act like one!

“Because if I said that earlier, then you might be extremely distracted....” Genie said as she looked down in shame.

“Distracted? I am so pissed right now!” Fang Yu said as she ‘snapped in anger’. She inwardly praised her acting skills which masked her real emotions right now.

Genie’s head dipped lower after hearing Fang Yu’s angry reply.

“Stop that right now!” Fang Yu slightly trembled as she saw Beleth glaring at her with extreme hate.

Fang Yu shivered as she felt that the current Beleth was looking at Fang Yu with pure, murderous intent!

Before, Beleth just looked at Fang Yu the way that a strong fighter looks to another strong opponent.

It was just a competitive look, one which Fang Yu felt was just fine.

But right now, Beleth was looking at Fang Yu as if he wanted to tear her apart alive! Even if his head was covered with armor, Fang Yu could feel his killing intent focused on her!

“Genie just had her best interests when she chose to hold the truth away from you, and yet you dare scold her for that? How shameless!” Beleth then roared as he said,

“I swear with my soul that if I am not able to kill you, then I will kill myself!”


Fang Yu’s smile cramped as she realized that she overdid it.

Just looking at Beleth’s reaction made Fang Yu realize that Beleth seemed to care a lot about Genie!

If Fang Yu had known that earlier, then she would have not scolded Genie like that.

But she did not, so now Fang Yu had to face a livid, murderous Beleth!

“Good luck Fang Yu...” Genie muttered as she dragged Fang Yu and Beleth to her Mist Room.

Fang Yu does not know if Genie’s ‘Good luck Fang Yu’ was to support Fang Yu, or just her wishing that Fang Yu will survive from the angry Beleth.

After appearing in the Mist Room, Fang Yu confirmed that it was the latter.

“Boom!” A fist smashed into Fang Yu’s face, catapulting her backwards.

“Gah!” Fang Yu felt blood flowing freely from her nose just after that punch.

Pain racked across her face as he was slightly stunned by the attack.

“What the hell? Attacking me this quickly? Beleth must be really so pissed.”

Before Fang Yu could stabilize herself, a kick struck her across the chest, this time much stronger than the punch earlier.

“Hmph, so you can also defend yourself huh.” Beleth muttered as he felt that the power of his kick weakened slightly.

That kick was supposed to crush Fang Yu’s heart and lungs, but Fang Yu’s defensive counter-measures ablated some of the impact.

“Wheeze....” Just right before the kick could hit her, Fang Yu immediately donned the Khalkotauroi Armor and the Red Martial Aura.

This helped Fang Yu survive Beleth’s kick, but the remaining power of his kick managed to crack some of her chest bones, and shake her lungs and heart.

This made it harder for Fang Yu to breathe, as she had to take some deep breaths while stabilizing herself.

Fang Yu’s mind was slightly shaken as she realized why Beleth was the strongest of all the Djinns.

With his Domination Nature Power, those weaker than Beleth will be nothing in front of him.

As for his combat style, Fang Yu was sure what Beleth was after receiving his heavy punch and kick.

“You.... Are you a martial artist?” Fang Yu slowly said as she wiped the blood from her nose. “If you are one, then you must be extremely powerful to damage a tough body like mine.”

“You are right.” Beleth growled as he patiently stared at Fang Yu. “That is the only way for me to grow stronger, since my nature power is an auxiliary type. I could not cultivate the daos and the laws, so I can just rely on my body.”

“This is bad....” Fang Yu muttered as she looked at Beleth’s fighting stance.

Fang Yu knew that martial artists can use the power of their body to deal massive damage to the enemy. And powerful Martial Artists are more dangerous than a normal one!

Powerful Martial Artist can produce two types of things. One is the Martial Aura, and the second one is a type energy called Ki!

Fang Yu already had an idea about Marital Auras, so she focused about the facts about Ki.

Ki is the energy that exists only in the body of powerful martial artists. Novice martial artists had no Ki inside them, only when they reach a certain stage in their martial arts that they can produce Ki.

Ki immensely strengthens the body of a martial artist and it gives the martial artist the chance to use powerful martial abilities.

Ki and Martial Aura are what made the martial artists able to fight other powerful beings with just their body alone!

What made Ki more exciting was the fact that it can be also produced by an Immortal Practitioner or a Godly Ascender.

This means a person can be a martial artist and a practitioner at the same time!

But the only limitation was that it was extremely hard for a person to be a powerful martial artist.

They had to undergo extremely torturous processes just to strengthen their bodies and countless life-death situations if they want to produce Ki!

Being a powerful martial artist was so rare that there were only 4 of them recorded in the history! That fact alone made Fang think that meeting a Ki-wielding martial artist will be an impossibility for her.

But right in front of her was one!

“You really are an exciting opponent.” Beleth said as he slowly walked towards Fang Yu. Each of his steps sounded heavy, which gave Fang Yu a foreboding feeling inside her. “I would love to have a fun fight with you.”

“But since you insulted Genie, the only way our match will end is by your death.” Fang Yu’s body suddenly shot forward, as she was pushed by a powerful kick at her back!


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